Our Family

Our Family
Boyd, Charlotte, and Keido

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Keido has recently learned how to do slides. He's figured out how to scoot himself forward and then lean just enough to go down.

Carl Came to Visit!

World War II Memorial. We stopped to dip our feet.

Lincoln Memorial

Washington Monument
Look at the difference between the colors of our legs...you'd think we were different races:)

A really nice building for those government people. I can't remember whose it is.

A couple of weeks ago, Carl came to visit us here in Maryland. I think he referred to his trip as being "Death March Number 2." We had a day and a half to see EVERYTHING in D.C. It was so much fun! Yes, a little hard on the feet, but awesome to spend time together and see some sights.

I thought that my favorite part was going to the Air and Space Museum. I had been there before with Boyd, but we didn't really know what anything was. I don't know how Carl knew sooo much; he must have studied a lot of aviation type books growing up because he told me all kinds of cool things. I felt like a smarter person after coming out of that museum, thanks to my brother:)

We can't wait to have him come again! Next time I will take better pictures:)

Ode to Boyd Part 2

Today, is just one of those days. I'm at home sick with a fevery, chills, stomach ache thing, while my husband, Merry, and Asuka, take little Keido to the county fair. I sure do wish that I could be there when Keido tries to lick all the animals in the petting zoo part. Alas, it just wasn't meant to be.

However, one good thing about staying home is that I'm completely alone. I can write whatever I want about Boyd and he can't do anything about it. Plus, I've got loads of time as my body occilates between burning hot and freezing cold. With that said, I want the world to know what kind of man I am really married to.

Where do I begin...
How about two hours ago.

This morning when I woke up, I really didn't feel so hot and my dear husband could tell. He took care of Keido while I layed and watched TV. Then, as I napped, he fed Keido, changed his diaper, got him ready for the day, and played with him to keep him happy. As soon as I woke up, it was time for Keido to sleep. While I layed on the bed, Boyd showed me funny clips on youtube. Then, as my body started to chill, he climbed under the covers with me to help warm me up. Now, if you were in the room, you would understand what a sacrifice that was for Boyd. It was pretty warm and under the covers I could feel that he was starting to sweat. Yet, he stayed next to me until I figured I'd go sit in the sun. Once outside, he came and sat next to me with our new camera and tried to teach me all the cool things he learned. When he offered to let me try, I said, "That's okay, I think I'll go inside." WHAT KIND OF PERSON AM I?!!! Here he is treating me like a million bucks and I just brush it aside like it's nothing. I have become the Most Boring/Tired/Uninteresting/Ungrateful wife in the world. Now, this instance may not seem too bad, but really, I need to step up my end of the relationship and help Boyd love me.

Boyd is the most wonderful Dad. Keido just loves him! Whenever Boyd calls Keido's name, Keido will run to him full speed, laughing and doing his cute breathing hard through his nose thing. If I'm ever tired, or just grouchy, Boyd will take over with Keido and allow me to sleep, or do whatever I need to do. He just recently found employment and is willing to work a job that might not be too fun, in order to provide for our family. Boyd takes everything that I say to him and tries to improve. He forgives me when I am rude, or bad at communicating my feelings. Boyd plans things with me in mind, such as playing basketball with the guys in the ward, mini-golfing, playing tennis, instigating conversations with the Chinese people around here, or just getting some sort of little treat. What a man!

I feel like Heavenly Father has truly blessed me to be able to marry a man like Boyd. He once said that all of his blessings were spent on me, but I feel like it's definitely the other way around. I don't know who else would love so unconditionally and make my life such a joy.

Well, pretty sure when he sees this blog, he's going to think it's way to mushy, try to take it off, and then accept the fact that it's staying on when I won't let him delete it. Hmmm...I guess that paints a picture perfectly of what kind of wife I am. Always doing things he doesn't want me to, forcing him to conform to what I want, and then wondering why he's upset, but not fixing anything. I definitely have a lot to work on. I'm just grateful that Boyd is the man he is, and allows me the opportunity to try to change.

I love Boyd!!! And, I will love him FOREVER!